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World's leading hotel price comparison experience

HotelsInformed.com is a U.S. based company and finds the best hotel deals from all major travel websites with one quick and easy search.
No fees, no mark-up - 100% free!

We are a team of passionate technology and digital business experts.  We have worked hard to create the world's leading hotel discovery and price comparison experience. HotelsInformed is free to use.  We search over 2 million hotel deals in over 120,000 destinations worldwide. Our website is available in 26 languages and supports 120 currencies.

How It Works

How It Works

HotelsInformed.com allows you to instantly search and compare room availability and prices from all major travel websites, including ExpediaHotels.com,Booking.comAgoda (and many more) all in one set of search results. 

Our website is 100% free - we don't add any fees or charges. The prices you see on Hotelsinformed.com include all taxes to help you accurately compare hotel offers from different travel websites.  However the customer should read the hotel notifications prior to booking for further information. 

Best price guarantee

We want you to pay the lowest possible price for your hotel. Should you find your hotel room at a lower online rate after you have booked with a site listed on HotelsInformed, you will be refunded the difference.